From September 8th, 2021 to November 26th, 2021, I made one artwork a day in a small sketchbook. Each page consisted of a haïku, and a painting/drawing/collage.
Each day, I started by picking a random page from the book La Force de l’âge, by Simone de Beauvoir. On this page, I cut a couple of words to assemble a haïku (short form poetry of three phrases on a 5, 7, 5 pattern). Then, I produce a visual artwork, inspired by the haïku at the format 6x6cm. Mediums are mostly watercolor and collage, but also ink, charcoal, posca and pen.
This project resulted in 80 pages, the whole sketchbook, that describes my day-to-day mood and inspiration. Even if the techniques vary from day to day, the ensemble forms a coherent artwork, thanks to the recurring format.

First and last day