Learning Houdini

Since October 2017, I’ve started to learn Houdini. Here’s a playlist of the effects I have done (newest first) :  

Strive For 365 : One drawing a day for a year

Edit 31/07/2016 : I’ve made it ! All drawings :   I have started since August 1st, 2015 a one drawing a day during one year challenge. Some drawing can be seen in my Imgur’s page and for some in my Instagram page. Here some chosen best pieces :  

2D Low-poly illustration from 3D scene

2D Low-poly illustration I like the feel of 2D low-poly illustrations. Here is some examples.       The process to create this kind of illustrations can be tedious, as described in this tutorial. Given a reference image, the artist has to : Draw triangles, following hard lines of the initial image, creating small triangles on […]

Drawing Track : a nonintrusive augmented drawing tool

An augmented drawing device helping artists’ interaction with computer. This non-intrusive tool is integrated to the classical pen/paper workflow of the artist and allows drawing capture and correction. This project was realized during an User Interface course in 2014-2015 at Grenoble INP – Ensimag.

Green Coordinates in Maya

During my last engineering school year (2014-2015), I developed, in a team of 3, my own implementation of Green coordinates deformers.

GLSL Experiments

  This article is under construction. Meanwhile, the a preview of several effects is available.  

Blob Factory : An intuitive 3D modelling software

This project was realized by 4 students in 3 weeks as the final project of Grenoble INP – Ensimag second year (2013-2014). It was supervised by Antoine Bégault and Marie-Paule Cani from Inria Grenoble – Rhône–Alpes’s team IMAGINE. Realisations

Open GL – Short movie

An OpenGL-generated movie. It was realized as a part of the Marie-Paule Cani’s Computer Graphics course in Grenoble INP – Ensimag second year (2013-2014).